Out of school, into the company
Do you know how to calculate the green intelligence quotient for Germany? Can you estimate how many employees it takes to develop a new heat pump? And how much energy you can save by replacing an old heating system? We have the answers to these and many other questions. With an internship, apprenticeship or dual study programme at the Vaillant Group, you will become an expert in climate and environmentally friendly technologies, get to know many interesting people and international projects and set the course for your successful professional future. You can find current vacancies in our job exchange.
Our apprentices are among the best
At the beginning of 2020, the three apprentices Alina Posingies, Benjamin Stegers and Nelli Blum completed their training as industrial clerks with the grade "very good". The three received an award from the Bergische Industrie- und Handelskammer (Bergisch Chamber of Industry and Commerce) as the best graduates of the year in the Wuppertal-Solingen-Remscheid city triangle.
Dual study: theory and practice in one
Theory and practice go best hand in hand. That's why you can apply for our Bachelor's degree programmes in Industrial Management, Mechanical Engineering, Business Information Systems, Applied Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. You will complete the theory phases at the DHBW Karlsruhe. In addition to an attractive training allowance in accordance with the IG Metall pay scale, we offer you various training courses in subjects such as business English, IT and communication. Optionally, you can spend a practical phase abroad during the dual study programme. We take a lot of time for you, your questions and ideas. In this way, you will be optimally prepared to take on responsibility for the future at the Vaillant Group.
Dual courses of study at the Vaillant Group
- Business Administration - Industrial Management - Bachelor of Arts (B. A.)
- Mechanical Engineering - Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
- Business Information Systems - Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
- Applied Computer Science - Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
- Electrical Engineering - Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
- Building Technology - Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Training: from the ground up to the professional
For those who prefer to start right away in practice after school, an apprenticeship at the Vaillant Group is the right way to go. We offer apprenticeships in the technical and commercial areas. No matter which training you choose: You will be fully integrated into everyday working life right from the start. We also offer you training, trade fair visits and optionally enable you to spend time abroad.
Apprenticeship with the Vaillant Group
- Mechatronics technician (m/f/d)
- Mechatronics technician (m/f/d) with additional qualification customer service technician (m/f/d)
- Electronics technician for operating technology (m/f/d)
- Industrial clerk (m/f/d)
Student internship: get your first taste of practice
Some things you don't learn at school, but in the company. As a pupil in grades seven to twelve, you can set the course for your further school and professional career with us. You should allow at least three weeks for a work placement. The internships take place during school hours. During this time, you can find out where your strengths lie, for example whether you would prefer to develop products, look after customers or work in human resources management.
Career exploration
"Kein Abschluss ohne Anschluss" (KAoA) - with this goal, North Rhine-Westphalia is shaping the transition from school to training and university. The statewide transition system ensures that young people receive support early on in their career orientation, in choosing a career and in entering vocational training or university. The aim is to offer all young people a follow-up perspective for vocational training or study as quickly as possible after leaving school and to avoid unnecessary waiting loops through effective coordination. Career exploration days take place in the 8th grade and are one-day internships in which students spend a day exploring a vocational field. The aim is to give them a first insight into the world of work and to gain important experience for their future career.
We at Vaillant also offer the opportunity to explore occupational fields. Via the registration portals of the cities, you can register directly for one of our offers (for Remscheid here). In addition to information about the company, we present our various apprenticeship professions and dual study programs. There are exciting insights into everyday working life at Vaillant and the opportunity to exchange ideas with our current apprentices.
Note: Please understand that we cannot consider all schools when selecting dates. Since every city, municipality or even school sometimes specifies different career exploration days, it is unfortunately not possible for us to accommodate all requests.
Career orientation: Dates 2024 & 2025

01.12.2024 Fair for apprenticeships & dual studies at the Allee Centre in Remscheid

Apprentices & the training team inform interested applicants about training and study opportunities at Vaillant.

22.01.2025 and further dates in January & March 2025 Career exploration days

Career exploration days take place in the 8th grade and are one-day internships in which students spend a day exploring a professional field. The aim is to gain an initial insight into the world of work and gain important experience for their future careers.

15.03.2025 CONNECT Fair for apprenticeships & dual studies at Wermelskirchen town hall

Apprentices & the training team inform interested applicants about training and study opportunities at Vaillant.

03.04.2025 Girls'Day

On Girls' Day, girls get to know professions in which men have mostly worked so far - for example mechatronics technician, electronics technician for industrial engineering or engineer. At Vaillant, they discover the world of work and the topic of sustainability.

22.04.2025 - 25.04.2025 Holiday course in cooperation with the zdi centre Bergisches School technology centre

As part of the Bergisches School technology centre, a group of pupils build an autonomous robot at Vaillant during the Easter holidays.

04.07.2025 Summer university

The Summer University is an initiative of the University of Wuppertal. The excursion to Vaillant is aimed specifically at young women who are interested in studying MINT subjects, i.e. maths, IT, science or technology.

Your way to us
  • Ausschreibung
    1. advertisement in summer
  • Bewerbung
    2. application via jobs.vaillant-group.com
  • Sichtung
    3. review of application documents
  • Assessment
    4. invitation to the assessment centre
  • Einladung
    5. invitation to the interview
  • Feedback
    6. acceptance/rejection with detailed feedback
  • Vertragsabschluss
    7. conclusion of contract
Tips for your application

Your benefits with us

Take advantage of the substantial benefits we offer our employees. Here are a few examples
An exciting introductory week awaits you at the beginning of your training.
We provide you with competent support in preparing for examinations.
From the very beginning, you can take on projects independently.
After graduation you are guaranteed to be taken on (for 1 year).
After successfully completing your training, you will receive an attractive bonus.
We offer fair, performance-based remuneration for interns and collective agreements for apprentices and dual students. We were also awarded the Fair Company seal for this.
Promoting Health and Fitness amongst our employees is important to us. That's why we offer discounts on gym memberships as part of our wellbeing program.
Many of our employees have flexible working hours - they organise their working hours individually in consultation with their colleagues and managers. In this way, family and career can be flexibly coordinated.
In our central bistro, there are various hot meals for lunch and dinner. The kiosk offers snacks, sandwiches, fruit and drinks. At locations without an in-house bistro, restaurants, cafés or snack bars are usually easily accessible.
Every two years we invite our employees and their families to the site festival in Remscheid with live music, good food and a particularly varied children's programme. In addition to the regular date, anniversaries are of course also celebrated.
We invest a lot of time and energy in the health of our employees. Health counselling, metabolism checks, ergonomics counselling, medical first aid and an alternative practitioner consultation are just some of the services offered at Vaillant Group.
Our employees in Remscheid can further their education free of charge in their free time through our myChoice programme. Cooking and art courses, rhetoric seminars or workshops on moral courage and other offers are open to everyone regardless of job description, skills and knowledge - including trainees, pupils and students.

Vaillant Group in Social Media

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Of course, all people are welcome at our company, regardless of age, gender, religion and other criteria. With a view to improving readability, we do not use a gender specific writing style. All personal designations on the website (and in all embedded documents) are gender neutral.